The Wedding Make Up stage is aimed at make-up artists and hairdressers with a basic level of make-up who feel the need to deepen and improve wedding techniques and themes. They will participate in the Wedding Editorial modelle professionals made available by the teacher for each student, video maker, photographers and stylist.
Armocromia is a discipline that allows, through the analysis of the 4 elements that make up the DNA of our image: skin, eyebrows, eyes and the natural color of a person's hair, to identify a palette of shades capable of enhancing and enhance the natural colors of your face, making you immediately appear more beautiful, fit and young.
Valeria Orlando, entrepreneur, global image consultant, beauty director, key make-up artist and hair-stylist, profound knowledge of color matching and image consultancy, distances herself from the now well-known rule of the 4 seasons and refers to 6 main categories of chromatic groups starting from the typology: light, intermediate and dark and subdividing these 3 elements successively taking into consideration the undertone: solar and lunar.
To this he adds a protocol which, in addition to taking into account what has just been said, places attention on a fundamental element forgotten by everyone: the personality of every woman and in its analysis adds the study of the colors of the SELF, indispensable, according to beauty director, to be able to establish in an even more precise way, the true colors that are friends of every woman.
For psychology, color is much more than simple radiation with a certain wavelength. Through its language we can read the inner world of the person. Each color is an objective stimulus with a universal psychological and physiological meaning, independent of age, sex and culture. However, the person unconsciously prefers certain colors or not depending on their psychic, physical and existential state. Starting from these basic concepts, expressed in 1947 by the Swiss psychologist Dr. Max Luscher who was the first to invent a color test, Valeria offers her clients consultancy where, through the subjectivity of the answers, she reads the psycho-physical reality of the person , as each color has its own meaning.
This study uses 4 fundamental colors (dark blue, green, red, yellow) to detect fundamental physiological and psychological needs and 4 complementary colors (purple, brown, black, grey) to delve deeper into the personality picture. The color blue represents the physiological and psychological need for quiet, calm and satisfaction. It is the color of the relationship with the primary figures. Through this color we can see a subject's ability to develop deep, engaging, empathetic bonds. Preferring blue means yearning for peace, emotional tranquility. In case of refusal, there is a sense of restlessness, of discontent, a desire to cut ties, ties oppress so it is better to escape. Green is the color of firm perseverance, vigilance, stability, "control over the territory of the Ego". Physiologically it has an effect of contraction, elastic tension and psychologically it expresses hardness, tension and rigidity. It has to do with self-esteem and the ego. A person who chooses green a lot tends towards self-control and perfectionism. In rejection, however, one can read a sense of insecurity and inadequacy that does not allow the ego to feel esteemed. Red represents excitement, the desire for an intense life, energy aimed at the pleasure principle. A frequent choice of red may indicate overcompensation in doing, the person sees himself if he does something. A refusal from her, on the other hand, highlights overtiredness, tiredness, demotivation. Yellow has the objective physiological meaning of relaxation, the release of tensions. Psychologically it represents change. A rejection of this color can highlight pessimism, disillusionment, lack of trust in the world. Purple represents sensitivity, transformation, seduction. It is a color that is affected by hormones, so people with hormonal dysfunctions or during pregnancy may prefer it precisely because of the strong influence of this color on the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system (red: excitation of the sympathetic nervous system + blue: sedation on the parasympathetic). Brown corresponds to the passive, corporal-sensual perception of one's own body. It is the color of well-being and full satisfaction of the senses. A rejected brown color highlights a poor relationship with one's body. Black is the very negation of color. Gray is the color that expresses the most complete neutrality, because it is achromatic. Those who favor this color defend themselves from involvement, from introspection, from the chromaticism of life. This loss of vitality and enthusiasm indicates a state of psycho-physical prostration and depression. Finally, white is the bright color, it is change, rebirth. It represents the beginning of a new cycle (for Eastern religions that believe in reincarnation the color of mourning is white, while for Westerners it is black, opposition, denial of life). White is therefore freedom