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VOR Academy Cava de' Tirreni

I realized my great desire to dedicate my life to beauty.
I remember when I was little I drew faces and clothes... and when my sweet mother made me play with her make-up, I was immediately the make-up artist of my family and my friends.
Beauty... what is beauty without well-being and inner happiness?
All my beauty encounters are always based on make-up advice, without a doubt, but also on wellness advice, natural cosmetics and philosophy on how to lighten your life, simply and first of all with a smile... the smile is not the effect but the cause of happiness and so what is healthier than a beauty meeting with a make-up artist made of smiles, highlighters, lipsticks and natural cosmetics in total relaxation?
Beauty and well-being together friends.

Vor Academy Cava de'Tirreni (Sa)
Teacher: Marianna Picarone


Base 1 - November 04-05-06
Base 2 - December 02-03-04
Wedding - January 14-15
Beauty - February 10-11-12

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