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After the success of the Luxury Bridal Experience, Valeria creates a new Masterclass reserved for experienced Make-up Artists who want to learn new techniques, keep up with the latest fashion trends and participate in the VOR Team for the creation of the fashion show look at Emerging Talents Milan .


The cost includes:

Professional make-up station complete with mirror for working

Professional skincare kit

VOR Make-up kit

Professional models

Hair stylist team

Photos and videos of the fashion show that you can use in your portfolio.

Certificate of attendance.

At the end of the Masterclass, participants will enter the VOR TEAM by right


Sales Tax Included
  • Day 1 + 2 – Participation in the demos + creation and participation in the fashion show (under the supervision of Valeria Orlando)

  • PAY PAL / BONIFICO BANCARIO INTESTATO A: Valeria Orlando Banco Desio Iban: IT92O0344001610000000239900

    NOTE: Inserire “VOR KIT FASHION COLOR ANALYSIS MASTERCLASS” come oggetto del pagamento. Dopo aver effettuato il bonifico vi chiediamo di notificarci conferma inviando il numero CRO a

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